This year’s Pennsylvania District Convention was held in Williamsport, PA. The weekend included workshops, educational sessions and fellowship opportunities as well as time to explore Williamsport. The Kiwanis Club of Transfer was able to send three of its members to this weekend event at the Genetti Hotel.

The weekend began on Thursday evening with a trip to the Little League International Headquarters and Museum. Kiwanians sat in the stands and learned more about the Little League Organization, the ball park, and the World Series, which would begin the following week. After a look in the museum there was a picnic dinner on the grounds. Then our three members turned in early for a good night’s rest before a weekend filled with service!
Erin, our public relations director, was eager to get started. “Having been to Key Club convention in the past, I knew I would come away from this weekend with a lot of ideas and energy,” she said. The next day was full of opportunities to learn more about increasing membership, engaging members, and unique service opportunities. Erin learned more about using social media to the club’s advantage while Sharon, incoming president, and Karen, membership chairperson, learned more about the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
That afternoon the three participated in a service project for Caitlin Smile’s where they crafted and signed cards for kids in local children’s hospitals. This project highlighted what Kiwanis is all about – the kids. “Karing for Kids is what Kiwanis is all about! Kiwanis PA District Convention reminded me why I joined Kiwanis. I hope everyone takes the opportunity to go learn and get energized about Kiwanis,” said Sharon.
Friday evening’s entertainment was a short walk down the street from the convention center to the beautiful local theater. There The Midtown Men performed hits from the sixties.
Saturday was another busy day. Our club’s trio attended general session and thought forward to what they would like the future of Kiwanis to look like. After a business session in the afternoon, Kiwanians headed to the Governor’s Banquet. This event honored clubs and members who have performed outstanding service in their communities.

While Sunday was the last day of the event, the Kiwanians said “it’s not over yet” and used it to their advantage! The morning’s kickoff breakfast was spend getting excited for the year to come. Karen said of the event, “Attending Kiwanis DCON was a great experience – lots of great information, meeting new friends and reconnecting with Kiwanis friends. One of the best PA District conventions that I have attended.” The 2019 Pennsylvania District Convention sent Kiwanians home with fresh ideas, invigorated spirits, and lots of energy to serve their communities. We can’t wait to get the new Kiwanis year started!