by Brenda Long

Each time our country experiences a catastrophe, people step forward to offer aid and heroes are discovered. Depending on the circumstances, these heroes come from different places with varied talents that aid in making the current conditions more bearable. In our current pandemic we have heard songs of praise for our health care workers, food service and retail employees, and mask makers among others. But in the background, often unacknowledged or unnoticed, are the many volunteers that give of their time and talents to help others in need, most of whom are strangers to them. Volunteers and volunteer organizations find ways to meet needs, soothe fears, and show appreciation to those on the front lines. I am proud, as a Transfer Kiwanis member, to be a part of a wonderful group of volunteers, many of whom have dedicated years to our club through the service of their community and its residents. So today I am singing my song of praise for this amazing club and its members. We proudly serve, even when no one else sees.